Psalm 90:5-6
5 You sweep them away as with a flood; they are like a dream,
like grass that is renewed in the morning:
6 in the morning it flourishes and is renewed;
in the evening it fades and withers.
Men . . . humanity, in comparison to God’s eternality, are swept away from generation to generation like a flash flood that washes through in a night or a fire that sweeps through a forest. After one generation is gone, another sprouts.
The Yellowstone National Park wildfires of 1988 were devastating. 793,000 acres (about 36% of the park) were burned. The park looked like a Sherman battleground. But God designed our ecosystem resilient. In the spring of 1989, new life was born from the ashes. Grass “renewed in the morning” blossomed fresh. What had withered quickly and so widespread was soon replenished by God’s handiwork.
When we see such new growth as a forest is rejuvenated after a couple of years, we quickly forget what decimation had once occurred. But when it comes to our lives - human lives - we are reminded with each death of a loved one, and even the hints at our own mortality, that we personally don’t spring back. Yes, a new generation may grow and flourish, but we don’t.
The Psalmist is calling us to take stock of our lives while we exist. “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom . . . Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all of our days” (vv. 12, 14).
Be a realist. Investigate your mortality. Ponder your finiteness. When you do, run to Christ to make the most of the days you have here on earth. It is vanity to accomplish, get, build, acquire, spend, invest when all we have to live for is self which “in the evening withers and fades.” But in relationship with Christ, what we do here has eternal purpose. Just as Christ was born, lived, and died, so will we. But Christ was resurrected. He conquered death and sin. United to Him by faith (trust that He did accomplish these things) we too receive new life. We will die an earthly death just as Christ, but united to Him we will be “renewed in the morning” like fresh spring grass.
With the confidence of eternity before us we can live satisfied today. Fear doesn’t grip us when we think about being swept away. Our earthly time-frame doesn’t shake us because we will be risen with Christ forever.
Oh how I need to trust in the confidence that comes only in Christ . . . . today! I am anxious. I have deadlines to meet, difficult conversations that need attention, children to fret over. I have stuff I want. I have goals to accomplish. Lord, cause me, this day, to have my confidence in Christ. Help me to walk in Your mercies which are new every morning. This day, teach me to be satisfied in Your steadfast love.